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Clearcanal Ear Wax Removal 192ML of 6.5%
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Clearcanal Ear Wax Removal Coupons & Prices
What is Clearcanal Ear Wax Removal ?
Clearcanal Ear Wax Removal Kit is designed for the safe and effective removal of excessive ear wax build-up. The kit includes a microfoam cleansing action formula that gently softens and loosens ear wax, making it easy to clear from the ear canal. Accompanied by a special ear rinsing bulb, this product ensures a clear and comfortable ear canal, enhancing auditory health.
- mild temporary discomfort in the ear
- temporary loss of hearing after use
- dizziness
- tinnitus (ringing or buzzing in the ear)
- Do not use if you have ear drainage, discharge, irritation, a rash in the ear, or are dizzy; consult a doctor.
- Do not use if you have an injury or ear surgery; consult a doctor.
- Do not use on children under 12 years of age unless directed by a doctor.
- Avoid contact with eyes; in case of accidental contact, rinse eyes thoroughly with water.